Hello Beautiful People!
Did you do anything special last week end? Where did you go? The reason we ask is to find out whether or not you had the chance to see our staff and our beautiful bicycles on Saturday 2nd June in Queen St Mall, Brisbane
Italian Bicycles staff helped the staff from Lombardo Bikes Asia-Pacific
during their marvelous Vintage Italian Bicycles exhibition, an event
that was included among the many events celebrated as part of the QLD ITALIAN
WEEK 2012.
Well in case you didn't attend, here there are some pictures for you! We
had hundreds and hundreds of people passing by who stopped and could not avoid admiring and commenting about our Italian
Vintage Bicycle Collection, we also had many people subscribing to our newsletter and thus, receiving a 20% discount coupon to use on our website straight away.
Although our beautiful Lombardo Italian Bicycles were the stars of the
day, we also had plenty of people coming around and enquiring about
Lombardo as a brand, asking about the history behind it and how different are these bicycles compared
to the rest...I guess the answer was easy done: Lombardo bikes are fully built in Italy with a know-how that dates back to 1952!
However, at this exhibition our bicycles were not the only thing people looked up for... a lot of the people's curiosity was triggered by these beautiful cup cakes we offered to all Lombardo Bikes "aficionados" coming by around our space to say "Hello!" and to novices who, being very attracted to, wished to touch and feel our Italian bicycles.
We had plenty to offer and to tell about hand-made bicycles and to top it all off we had these beautiful hand-made cup cakes!
Along with us, there were the people from "La Bella
Figura" who teach Italian language and culture in Alderly as well as the beautiful
auto-vehicles courtesy of QLD Fiat Car Club! It was indeed a very special Italian
engineering day!
Stay tuned with our FACEBOOK and with our TWITTER channels to keep updated with all our public exhibitions and displays as well as our bicycles tips and info.Next Italian Bicycles display will be along with Lombardo Bikes Asia Pacific at PUSHIES GALORE in Holland Park QLD on 15th JULY 2012, more info on http://bikingbrisbane.com/?page_id=1093
That's all for now, so hope to see you around soon!